
Crafting a Dosha-Balanced Dinner

Vata Dosha Characteristics: Light, dry, and cold Needs: Warm, moist, and grounding foods Ideal Dinner: Lentil soup with steamed root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes) Spices: Cinnamon, ginger Avoid: Raw salads, dry foods Pitta Dosha Characteristics: Hot, sharp, and oily Needs: Cooling, mild, and less oily foods Ideal Dinner: Quinoa or barley with lightly sautéed greens (spinach, zucchini) Herbs: Mint, cilantro Avoid: Spicy or fried foods Kapha Dosha Characteristics: Heavy, slow, and cool Needs: Light, warm, and dry foods Ideal Dinner: Vegetable soup with spices like black pepper, turmeric Small portion of basmati rice or millet Avoid: Dairy, overly sweet or heavy meals