Admin Jun 22

Add These 18 Best Foods To Control Your High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure is a hazardous and common disease. When we measure it, there are two types: SBP and DBP.

SBP stands for systolic blood pressure. When the number is 130 mm Hg and more than, on the other hand, DBP stands for diastolic blood pressure, while the bottom number is 80 mm Hg and both.

On the other hand, if you want to cure it, you should change your eating lifestyle. Then, you can totally avoid it. Further, if your diet is clean, you never need any medical treatment for this disease. You can also decrease your heart-related disease.

Furthermore, if you eat foods high in potassium and magnesium, you can easily control your high blood pressure. Here are some foods that may help decrease your high blood pressure.

Add These 18 Best Foods To Your Diet

1. Fatty Fish:

Omega-3 fatty acids are commonly found in fatty fish. Moreover, people who eat fatty fish have a lower risk of heart disease.

Healthy fats reduce the blockage of our heart arteries. When our body supplies blood and oxygen without any problem, we do not have any health issues.

A study shows that people who consume omega-3 have a low risk of heart disease. On the other hand, those people who are not consuming have a high risk of heart disease.

If you are not eating fish, you can take an omega-3 supplement. Any brand that gives you omega-3 is available on the market. You can also add flax seeds, which are also a good source of omega-3.

2. Fruits:

Fruits are a good option for lowering high blood pressure. But here, you need to add citrus fruits—for example, grapes, oranges, lemon, etc.

On the other hand, fruits contain high nutritional values. When we add mixed juice to these fruits, they provide higher benefits.

A study shows that when a person takes lemon juice daily, he has lower blood pressure levels. So you can add these fruits to your diet. But before adding any fruit to your diet, you must consult your doctor.

Because some people have other health issues, they increase by adding these fruits.

3. Seeds:

Here, we are talking about pumpkin seeds, which are very powerful seeds. They are full of potassium, magnesium, and arginine, which make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes our blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

On the other hand, you can also add oil to pumpkin seeds. A study showed that adding 2.5 grams of oil daily decreases high blood pressure.

So you should add some seeds to your diet for better results.

4. Beans:


It is an excellent source of fiber, potassium, magnesium, and other minerals. When you are eating high-fiber foods, you have good digestion.

Furthermore, beans are also high in protein and other nutrients. So you should add beans to your diet. Beans not only control blood pressure but also help to decrease our body weight.

So when you have lower body weight, and then you have lower body fat, then you have a lower level of cholesterol levels. So, you have a low risk of heart disease.

5. Lentils:

Lentils are low in calories and can lower high blood pressure. However, you should take a lower amount of lentils.

If you are taking a high quantity, you are increasing the risk for a kidney. Because lentils are hard to digest, if you have any kidney problems, you should consult your doctor.

Lentils are high in magnesium, potassium, and fiber. So, lentils help reduce high blood pressure, but you should take the medication with these methods.

6. Carrots:


Carrots are normal vegetables, but they have many health benefits. They contain chlorogenic, caffeic, and p-coumaric acids, which relax our blood vessels and decrease inflammation caused by high blood pressure.

On the other hand, if you eat raw carrots, you can take more benefits. You should eat not only carrots but all vegetables, raw or steam-based, or cooked.

Further, if you are not eating them, you can drink carrot juice, which is also good for your eyes.

Because it is high in vitamin A, you must add vegetables to your diet, like carrots.

7. Tomatoes:

There are a lot of benefits to eating tomatoes. For example, it is good for the skin, good for the heart, increases vision, prevents cancer, and is good for diabetes, etc.

On the other hand, it contains lycopene, which is taken care of by our heart. Eating products that are high in lycopene decreases your high blood pressure.

Furthermore, you should warm the tomato on a gas stove and then peel off the skin so you can eat it. That is very good because the skin is hard to digest.

You can also take tomato in the salad, which is a good option, but you should not eat high salt with salad.

8. Broccoli:

Broccoli is a high-protein food that is very good for muscle building and fat loss. It also contains a flavonoid that is an antioxidant, which helps to control high blood pressure.

On the other hand, it has many other health benefits, such as preventing cancer, maintaining healthy hair, and detoxing the body.

Moreover, eating 2-3 times a week can decrease the side effects of high blood pressure.

However, those people who do not eat broccoli have a high risk of heart disease caused by high blood pressure, and they have high body fat.

9. Yogurt:

You can take any type of yogurt, but you can reap the full benefits if you add Greek yogurt. Greek Greek yogurt has a high calcium and protein content.

On the other hand, it also decreases our high blood pressure because its nutrients regulate it. Moreover, when you add 2-3 servings to your diet, you can see results.

But if you eat occasionally, you will not see any results. So you should add Greek yogurt if you can. If you are not able to add it, then add what type you have.

10. Chia Seeds:

Chia seeds are high in antioxidants, improve digestion, and can be used for weight loss and muscle building.

On the other hand, chia seeds slow down digestion, so blood sugar does not spike quickly. So, they are also good for diabetes patients.

In order to include chia seeds in your diet. For example, if you grind these seeds into powder form then it is easy to use. Then, you can add one spoonful of chia seeds to your favorite smoothie.

Below Are Some More Foods

11. Flax Seeds:

Flax seeds are also high in fiber, omega-3, magnesium, potassium, etc. On the other hand, it improves your digestion system.

On the other hand, you can use flax seeds for weight loss. High fiber helps to reduce belly fat, and when your body's fat percentage is low, you have low blood pressure.

Then, you have a low risk of heart disease. So, you should add flax seeds to your diet. Further, you can add flax seeds powder to milk. But you should not take it at bedtime.

12. Garlic:

Garlic is a powerful food when eaten in the right amount. Most people cook Garlic before eating it with their food.

But you can not take high benefits, so Garlic works best on an empty stomach. Then, it decreases your high blood pressure.

Further, it has iron, calcium, vitamin C, B6, magazines, etc. Furthermore, it has many health benefits like boosting metabolism, being a blood clot activator, etc. So when you wake up, you take only one clove of Garlic with water, and then after one hour, you can eat.

13. Beetroot:


Beetroot contains many vitamins and minerals, such as B1, B2, B5, and B6, as well as the minerals copper, zinc, sodium, and manganese.

On the other hand, beetroot increases our stamina. In addition, it has many other health benefits, such as taking care of the liver, taking care of the eyes, reducing blood pressure, keeping your heart healthy, etc.

So you must add beetroot to your diet. If you are not able to do this, you can add juice with other fruits, which is also a good option. But do not take it in excess; if you do, you may face a health issue.

14. Onion:

Onion is a very common food, so anyone can add it to their diet. It is fat-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free, low-calorie, sodium-free, and fiber-free, among other things.

On the other hand, onion contains antioxidants to fight inflammation and reduce cholesterol levels. So you have a lower risk of heart disease.

Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties decrease high blood pressure and prevent blood clots. So you can add onion to your diet as a salad. If you cook them, you can also eat them. It's upon you which method is suitable for you.

15. Papaya:


Papaya is a good source of vitamins A and C, fiber, carbs, folate, potassium, etc. On the other hand, when you eat high antioxidants, you have a low risk of heart disease.

Furthermore, it prevents cholesterol oxidation, which is a high-risk factor for heart disease.

Papaya leaves contain papain, which can be toxic to your baby. If you are pregnant, you should not eat papaya, but you must consult with your doctor.

Moreover, you can add papaya at night. It is good for constipation and has a laxative property.

16. Basil juice:

Basil is a good source of calcium, antioxidants, and vitamins. You can cook basil and eat it, but some people also eat it raw, which is also a good option.

Basil leaves are bitter and spicy, so you cannot eat raw basil leaves. On the other hand, basil and basil oil contain estragole, a chemical. When you eat basil in a high amount, you may have liver cancer.

Basil has another component, eugenol, which decreases high blood pressure because it blocks calcium channels. It also includes magnesium, which is good for blood flow and relaxes our blood vessels.

17. Mint leaves:


Mint leaves contain fiber, vitamin A, iron, manganese, etc. On the other hand, the most common use of mint is that it keeps away from bad breath.

Further, mint leaves are excellent for brain function. Moreover, mint burns belly fat because it triggers fat from the gallbladder, which allows your body to digest fat fast. Then, you can lose thigh fat stored in different body parts.

Conversely, mint decreases your high blood pressure and heart rate but is not fully approved. However, many different studies have been conducted on this issue.

18. Pistachios:

Pistachios are high in fat, but this fat is not unhealthy. It is good for your heart and brain.

On the other hand, pistachios can be eaten daily because they have many health benefits, such as a healthy heart, prevention of cancer, and relief from breathing problems.

However, you should not eat them in large quantities because they are high in calories and may cause health problems.

Furthermore, pistachios reduce high blood cholesterol, and you have a low risk of heart disease. And you have a low level of blood pressure.


So, this is a list of the top 18 superfoods that may help to reduce your high blood pressure. On the other hand, you should change your living style and eating style.

If you adopt a healthy eating style and lifestyle, you can reap many health benefits. But if you do not adopt a healthy eating style and eat all these foods, you can not control your high blood pressure.

Because when you are not acting like you must add 10 minutes of walking on a daily basis. When you combine these steps, you get more benefits.

Lastly, if you have any type of critical disease, then you must consult with your doctor. For example, if you have very high blood pressure and you need medication but you are using these methods, then you may have serious problems.

These methods are for those who have a beginner stage of high blood pressure. But if you want to add these methods, then you must continue your medication. For this, you need to consult with your doctor.