Admin May 12

Top 5 Foods Those Will Kill Testosterone Levels In Your Body


Testosterone is a hormone in the human body. This is responsible for our muscle growth and many more.

Like high bone density, better sex drive, easy-to-burn fat, high energy level, etc, further, many foods kill the testosterone levels in your body.

For example, alcohol, dairy products, soy products, junk food, refined sugar, etc. These are the common factor that kills the testosterone level in our body.

On the other hand, if you want to increase testosterone levels in your body, then you must include foods like avocado, broccoli, whole eggs, mangoes, meats, etc.

It is very helpful to achieve your fitness goal. For example, if you want to lose weight and fat loss, then you need to have a high testosterone level in your body.

Moreover, if you want to gain muscle, then you also need its presence in your body. And you can easily maintain its level.

But In today’s world, no one eats healthy food. Most of the students eat junk food in their lunch. This is a very important meal because it gives you energy for the whole day.

On the contrary, you must add chicken, fish, eggs, brown rice, salad, etc. Then you have a high presence of it.

And sometimes, when you are not included in any physical activity, then you have a low presence in your body.

Moreover, if you have any type of sleep disorder, then you do not have a high presence of it. Another factor is your stress level.

So feel free and enjoy every moment of your life. And if you think you can take pills of it and increase the level of it, then you are wrong because when you stop taking pills, then your level drops very badly. So do not take pills, but add foods.

Testosterone Killing Foods

Soy Products:

When you are eating soy products like tofu, soy chunks, etc. Then you give protein to your body.

But when you are taking more than 25 grams of protein from soy products then your body is high in estrogen hormone.

This is a female hormone. When it is high in your body then your body has a low level of testosterone.

On the other hand, you have a low level of energy in your body. For example, you can see man boobs in some people. This is a sign of the high level of estrogen in the male body.


It is a very common factor. When people drink alcohol daily, then they have a low level of testosterone.

For example, you can see people who are drinking a heavy amount then they lose body weight and they have a low level of energy in their bodies.

On the other hand, their body shrinks day by day. On the contrary, they have a big bucket stomach.

Further, when a female drinks alcohol, then their body increases testosterone levels in their body. If you want to reduce its effect, then you can drink alcohol on a weekly basis.

Junk Food:

This is also a very dangerous food in the market because you are consuming very bad food that is fried from bad oil.

There are a lot of side effects of eating junk food, like cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease, etc. On the other hand, you are gaining unhealthy weight that gives you diseases.

Moreover, if you want to achieve a fat loss goal then you can not achieve your fitness goal. But if you are on gaining then you can gain weight but this weight is totally fat. And it does not increase your strength.

Some Other Factors

Dairy Products:

When you start eating dairy products, you do not know what is in them.

For example, if a cow eats soy feed, then they give milk, and this person makes many different things like panner, butter, yogurt, etc. Then, all these products contain estrogen in them.

If you are eating in high quantity then you have a high level of estrogen in your body. So most bodybuilders are avoiding dairy products.

On the other hand, you can add dairy products to your diet on a weakly basis.

Low Physical Activity:

A person who is not involved in any physical activity then they have a low level of testosterone in their body.

If you are eating good food, then also you have a low presence of it in your body. For example, when you are doing a leg workout, it naturally increases the testosterone level in your body.

Further, if you are not going to the gym, then you must add a workout to your daily routine.

For example, you can add a bodyweight workout at your home. Like jumping jacks, box jumps, squats, sprints, etc.

Sleep Problem:

If you have a sleeping problem, you must take medicine for it. Without night sleep, your body does not work properly.

Moreover, when you sleep then your body releases hormones in the body. And you do not have a good brain and heart. Sleeping disorder badly affects your brain’s function.

Further, you may have a stroke, depression, dark circles, high blood pressure, etc.

On the other hand, if you want to achieve a fitness goal then you may take a long period for it. So you must take 8 hours of sleep in a day. Then you have a high testosterone level.


In the end, if you want to increase testosterone levels in your body then you must take a good diet. And add a daily workout to your lifestyle.

On the other hand, you must avoid dairy products, alcohol, junk food, soy products, etc. Apply these steps, but if you have low testosterone, then you have a medical condition. Contact your doctor and take medicines for it.

The best and cheapest source for increasing testosterone is whole eggs. Moreover, you can eat two whole eggs before sleep.

If you are gaining weight then you can reduce the number of eggs. Then you can take one whole egg at night.